In applications with high hygiene demands, all equipment must conform to the strictest standards. For drinking water applications in particular, where protecting consumer health is a top concern, preventing the possibility of nickel and copper contamination has become a critical issue. As a result, more and more OEMs are seeking heat exchanger solutions for clean water chiller and tap water heating systems that do not use these metals.
Built in 100% stainless steel, our all stainless steel fusion plate heat exchangers are an optimal choice when nickel and copper just won’t do. In addition to providing peace of mind when it comes to hygiene, they also offer much higher efficiency than traditional copper and nickel-free solutions used for these duties.
Interested in learning more? Contact us to get the right solution for you!
HVAC, Food processing industry, Marine refrigeration, Battery industry, Other working conditions suitable for high cleanliness requirements or to avoid copper/nickel ion contamination.
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